Joyce Votes to Rein in IRS With Financial Services Bill


Date: July 16, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Congressman Dave Joyce (OH-14) released the following statement after voting in favor of the fiscal year 2015 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, which contains numerous provisions to keep the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in check.

"First, the IRS targeted American taxpayers for their political beliefs," Joyce said. "Now, more than a year into the congressional investigation, the agency is blaming the loss of evidence on a hard drive crash. I know my constituents and people across the country are disgusted by these deceitful games. As a former prosecutor, I've always believed in the rule of law and making sure justice is served.

"Congress has the constitutional power of the purse to rein in these types of abuses by our federal government. This bill cuts IRS funding by $1.48 billion, which rolls their funding back to below 2003 levels. With the IRS as one of the most feared federal agencies, we have to make it clear that their lack of accountability to the American people will not be tolerated."
